There are certain things that I do not talk about. Like global warming and its consequences. How it affects us? and what the future will holds for our children or their children. Our class was assigned a project to research on the topic of environmental education and we chose global warming. To my amusement I realised how important it was to spread the message about global warming and to try hard to protect our earth.
Global warming is a reality and an issue that must be taken seriously. We might not see the consequences with immediate effect. Our earth is warming up rapidly. There are changes taking place in
I feel that we people hear the messages about global warming but we choose to do nothing about it. We think that we are doing ourselves a favour by not doing our part to conserve the earth, but have we ever stopped and asked ourselves, “how efficient are we as an individual in playing your part to help stop global warming?” let us not turn a blind eye to this but lets stand up and do something.
We as individuals can help reduce global warming by reducing pollution. We can reduce pollution by practicing the three R’s-reduce, reuse and recycle. We should also keep the environment clean by disposing rubbish properly and using CFC-free products so as not to harm the ozone.
We as individuals can make a difference but I also suggest that we get the government to step in by setting a high environmental standard and by educating the public about conservation. Organizations can support, organize or sponsor conservation projects and research. If we all can work together we can make a big difference. Each one of us can play a major role. Just remember it takes one person, organisation or government to make a difference. Let us join hands and save our earth.
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