Section Two (30 marks)
Begin your answer on a fresh page
You are advised to write between 250 and 350 words for this section.
You should read the information carefully and plan your answer before beginning to write.
The student councillors who has been experiencing problems with students lately who have been skipping class or going back to class late after recess.Below are what some comments made by you and your friends:
Why are the students taking longer routes to go back to class?
Some students have been skipping classes they do no like and they go to the canteen or go play basketball and the councillors have to patrol during lesson time to catch them.
Students are sneaking food into the classroom and leaving their food wrappers on the floor.
Students are not listening to us when we tell them to keep quiet or not to eat in class.
Student councillors are going back to class late because they have to make sure the classes are quiet befor they go back, its disrupting our learning?
Write a letter to the Principal to tell her about the important role a student councillor plays. Inform her on the problems that you as a councillor is facing. Explain to her how it affects your acedemic work. Also, give suggestions as to how the problem can be solved and how you would like the teachers to help you n managing the students and certain rules that you think should be put into place to help you.
Set your letter out correctly, in clear, accurate English, and use an appropriate tone which will persuade them to improve the current situation.